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Double Dom Fantasies Page 7
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Page 7
“Yes, Sir.” Allie’s voice was a breathy whisper.
“You belong to me, allie syn.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He bent at the waist and kissed her gently before straightening. His face became more businesslike as he turned to Brad. “Are you ready, liege?”
“Yes, Sir.” Brad seemed to snap into an even more upright position.
“Good. Let’s get started. Hand me that roll.”
Sami watched as Brad—no, liege, she reminded herself, since they were at the club—handed a wide roll of clear plastic wrap to Karl. She would have to remember to use the name Buffy this weekend, not Sami. That wasn’t going to be easy. It had been so long since she had thought of herself as the strong and confident person she’d been in school. Back then she was always ready to stand up to bullies and help her friends when needed. If only she had done that for herself in Eugene. She shook her head, refusing to fall into that pit again.
They all watched as Karl helped allie to stand, then he and liege passed the roll around and around her until she was completely encased in the wrapping like a mummy. The only parts of her that were not covered were her face, head, breasts, and groin. Looking closer, Sami realized that the men had wrapped each leg separately in the clear plastic instead of binding them together, as she would have expected.
liege handed Karl a series of items one at a time, starting with an iPod. Karl fitted the ear buds into allie’s ears, turned it on, and waited for her to nod, indicating that it was working. Then he used another wrap of the plastic to secure it into place near her right collarbone. Next, he placed a fuzzy blindfold over her eyes and waited for another nod. Then he swept her off her feet and gently laid her on the table.
“Damn. He must be stronger than I thought,” Crash said softly. He had apparently meant it for AJ, but Sami nodded in agreement.
Karl and liege then used the same plastic wrap to bind her upper body to the table and each leg to the stirrups at the sides. Her legs were now widely spread, and she looked totally helpless.
Susan gasped and leaned toward her husband. “If you know what’s good for you, don’t even think of putting me in a position like that! In front of strangers, no less!”
Everyone else stiffened, and Karl’s head swiveled toward her. His expression was strict, almost angry, and Susan’s face went bright red as her mouth snapped shut. She took a half-step behind Greg.
Karl and liege tested their bondage to make sure allie was completely immobilized. Then they began to run their hands up and down her body. She squirmed a little, moaning as fingers teased her nipples, then stroked her neck, running down her torso to curve around her sex and make their way down her thighs. Sometimes the men would use their fingernails, leaving long, red stripes on her breasts. It looked almost painful, but allie would sigh and try to twist to allow them access to where she apparently wanted attention next.
Eventually they switched to using different items. Brad reached into their duffel bag and pulled out a mitten of what looked like rabbit fur. He smoothed it over allie’s face and breasts, slowly and sensuously, making Sami close her eyes and imagine the soft fur on her nipples. allie let out a long breath in obvious pleasure, a dreamy smile on her face. Then Karl held up a small metallic wheel for the group to see. Sami heard the guys draw in their breath and looked closer. The wheel had small but wicked spikes. That was going to be quite a shock after the nice, soft fur, she thought, leaning forward to watch allie’s reaction.
Instead of screeching and demanding that they stop, allie gasped and twitched, but her smile didn’t go away. She seemed to enjoy the feel of the spikes rolling over her skin, even when it turned and went directly over a nipple.
“That has to hurt!” Sami whispered, despite the fact that she knew they weren’t supposed to make any noise. AJ’s hand was suddenly on her shoulder, although she didn’t know if it was an admonishment to be quiet or a sympathetic gesture.
Karl continued moving the small wheel over her breasts, liege following behind with the fur glove. Then they moved down to her groin, and all of the women gasped in unison as Karl ran the spikes over allie’s vulva. allie gasped as well, writhing a little, but still didn’t complain. As Karl continued to tease her pussy with his toy, liege exchanged the fur mitten for a black glove. He pulled it on, then pushed a button and held it up so the group could hear a small humming noise coming from it. He held it out so that everyone had the chance to put out a hand and feel the vibrating pads in the fingertips.
Then he went to work on allie’s nipples, the gloved hand pinching and playing with one as he bent and took the other in his mouth. allie became very agitated, squirming and gasping. Karl put down the wheel and began stroking her clit, occasionally thrusting a finger deep inside her pussy.
Sami couldn’t believe she was actually here, watching three people have sex in front of her. She usually didn’t even watch porn, but now she was surprised to feel her own arousal growing with allie’s obvious excitement. They could see the flush of her skin and how moist her pussy was getting by the glistening wetness of her inner thighs. Her gasps, moans, and pleading for release were also sure signs of the good time she was having. Sami wondered briefly if she could ever do something like that. Then it occurred to her that by blocking out the senses of sight and sound, Karl and liege had both blinded her to the fact that people were watching and intensified the feeling of touch. What they were doing must be sheer sensual torture.
Sami felt something move at her back and realized that she had unconsciously backed up to the two men standing behind her. She seemed to be pressing against them with her hands clutching at a leg on either side, while they each had a hand on her shoulders.
Before she had time to react to her discovery, Karl nodded and liege turned to leave the room. Taking advantage of the break in action, Sami took a small step forward to regain her separation from the men and her composure. She wasn’t sure what had come over her, but she was pretty sure she shouldn’t have done that.
Crash groaned softly, and Sami glanced briefly back, flashing him a quick apologetic smile, thankful that liege was rejoining the group. He was holding a Ziploc bag that seemed to be covered in frost. That seemed strange, she thought. No sooner had she taken it all in than liege opened the bag and handed a bright-pink glass dildo to Karl, who was positioned between allie’s spread legs.
The women all gasped again, and Karl chuckled, an evil grin on his face as he carefully positioned the glass wand. Without warning he slid it into allie’s pussy, and Susan covered her face as allie squealed, panting and straining against the plastic wrap. Lucy pulled Roy’s arms around her, but her expression was delighted and eager. She obviously wished it was her on the table being fucked by two men and an icy dildo.
Karl worked it in and out of allie several times before withdrawing it and handing it to liege. Moving quickly now, he undid the leather belt on his pants and dropped them to his knees, sliding his cock into her instead. He fucked her furiously for a minute, then withdrew and retrieved the dildo from liege to use again. He repeated that cycle several times as allie groaned in pleasure. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that she was enjoying herself immensely.
Once again, Sami became aware that she was pressed up against the two men, without having consciously moved. She heard AJ ask softly, “Why is he doing that?”
sky answered him. Sami realized she had been so caught up in the action she hadn’t even realized the other woman was there. “Putting the dildo in the freezer for a while and getting her all heated up creates a difference in temperature, so the cold of the glass makes the heat from his cock that much more pleasurable.”
“Oh, yeah. I guess it would.”
Sami could almost feel the heat of Karl’s cock at that moment. She was so horny, and it felt like centuries since she’d had any relief that wasn’t self-induced. Having two men against her back felt wonderful, and their obvious excitement added to hers. She could feel their erections bulgi
ng into her lower back and smiled, resisting the temptation to rub against them. It was good to know she could still have that effect on men.
Suddenly, without warning, the internal flashes began in her mind, and her breath caught.
The images were from that night, almost a year before. Ronald being handcuffed and led away by the police. The never-ending stream of questions by the paramedics. The emergency room doctor stitching up the gash in her scalp. The judge asking her if she wanted to make the restraining order permanent. The fear from that night flooded back, and the only thing in her head was the thought that she had to get away. She had to distance herself from the press of the men behind her.
Stumbling toward the door, she threw a hasty glance over her shoulder. They had both taken a step to follow her, but her expression froze them in their tracks.
She knew it wasn’t fair to them. They weren’t anything like that bastard. They had shown her nothing but kindness, and this was how she repaid them, with distrust and fear. Mouthing the words, “I’m sorry,” she fled the dungeon, only distantly registering the sounds of allie’s orgasmic release.
Chapter 6
“sky couldn’t get much out of her,” Allie said. “She seemed to be reliving some kind of traumatic event.”
“What traumatic event? She didn’t say anything?” Carly wiped down the counter with an agitated energy, almost upsetting Allie’s coffee cup.
Allie grabbed it just in time and moved it out of harm’s way. “It was obvious from the beginning she had some kind of fear of the whole thing. We thought the scene would be light enough that nobody would be traumatized by it. I’m not sure what it triggered, but there was obviously something. I’m sorry.”
Carly frowned. “I’m sure it’s not your fault. Maybe I was wrong to push her into doing the workshop. The old Buffy wouldn’t have been intimidated by it. I wish I knew what happened to her in the last couple of years.”
“You have no idea?”
“No.” Carly chewed her lip as she got the coffee pot and did a quick run-through of the diner, refilling cups with a distracted air. Allie knew, though, that she was completely aware of what was going on at every table in the building. She returned and put her elbows on the counter. “All I know of her recent life is that she got a job as a massage therapist. I thought she was doing well. She seemed happy when we talked on the phone. She was dating someone, but she wouldn’t tell me anything about him. My impression was that it lasted about six months. Suddenly she quit calling and would hardly talk when I did get her on the phone. I nagged her for almost a year to come out and visit. When she did decide to, it was almost on the spur of the moment. She called me last Saturday and basically said she was on her way. I’ve been trying not to pry. I figured she’d tell me what happened when she was ready. Maybe I should have dug a little deeper.”
“Why did you send her out?” Allie asked, adding more cream to her cup.
“Well, it’s kind of complicated.” Carly glanced around. “She used to be such a little fireball. If anybody was being picked on or was treated badly in one way or another, Buffy was always racing to the rescue. She loved a good challenge, and she wasn’t afraid of anything. When I discovered BDSM, I knew immediately that it would be something she would love. There are so many empowering aspects of it. I just hope whatever happened hasn’t damaged her so badly we can’t get the old Buffy back.”
“I hope not, too.” Allie sighed. She looked around at the almost-full diner. “At least business seems to be going well for you.”
“Yeah. If I could just get that asshole Lou off my back.” Carly went to the register to take money from some patrons who were leaving and seat another couple who’d just come in. She quickly bussed the used table and got drinks for the new couple before coming back to the counter where Allie was sitting. “How are you guys doing with his demands?”
“Oh, we’ll be okay. Although he really is an asshole.” Allie’s eyebrows drew together. “He tried to tell Brad that we hadn’t paid a bunch of fees last year. Fortunately, Brad is really anal about that kind of stuff. Within the hour he was faxing over the records, and Lou had to back down. But then the next day he came out with a measuring tape and claimed that our railings are, like, half an inch out of code, so we’ll have to redo all of them. It’s getting ridiculous.”
“Hmm. Wonder if one of your football guys is available for a little freelance tackling work on the side? Speaking of which, what are they up to this morning?”
Allie smiled. “They’re doing beginning bondage today. When I left, Crash was offering to go first. They’re so cute around her. Like two rhinos trying to play with a kitten.”
“Poor kitten.” Carly laughed. “I hope I’m there when she remembers she has claws.”
“Me, too. But that reminds me. I need to get more groceries. I swear those two eat more than the populations of Oregon and Idaho put together.”
“I believe it. They—” Carly stopped, and Allie looked at her curiously.
“They what?”
“Nothing.” She jumped up and grabbed her order pad. “Looks like they’re ready to order.”
“Okay. I’ve got to run. Talk to you later.” Allie put a five on the counter and left. She had the distinct feeling Carly had been about to say something about the guys and their eating habits but had stopped herself. Had they been complaining about her cooking? They had the usual male aversion to vegetables but were cleaning their plates—and nearly cleaning everyone else’s, too—and declaring the food delicious. If they weren’t lying to her, then what was the problem?
She did her shopping and drove back to Clifftop, feeling better. Business was good. This was only their first workshop, but so far it was going well. The write-up they’d gotten in Exotic Travels Magazine had brought in a lot of people curious about the lifestyle and grateful that there was a place they could go for information. The club atmosphere wasn’t really conducive to asking personal questions, but she hoped they’d established a safe environment to let people experiment without feeling too awkward. Last night’s scene had scared her a little, although she wasn’t exactly sure why. She was getting used to being naked in public, but to ask people, especially new people, to come over and watch her get fucked—that was a little more. It had given her a really good submissive buzz, though.
She parked and took her groceries in, putting them on the kitchen table before going out to check on the progress of the bondage class.
She heard uproarious laughter as she opened the barn door and went in. It took her a minute to register the sight of Crash standing in the middle of the room, ropes piled on the ground around his feet, his arms raised in the air and a triumphant expression on his face.
AJ was standing next to him, holding the end of the rope and looking down in confusion. “What did I do wrong?” he said plaintively to Phoenix, who was teaching the class.
Sami was, thank goodness, doubled over nearby, laughing. Allie closed the door and went to start lunch.
* * * *
“You didn’t tie it nearly tight enough,” Phoenix said. “And then I think you forgot to cinch it around the elbow. He was able to get his hand out, and from there the whole thing collapsed.”
AJ threw down the rope with a disgusted look. “Dude, you’re just too big. There’s not enough rope in the state of California to tie you up!”
“Well, you’re not going to be much better,” Sami told him, stepping forward. She couldn’t remember anything funnier than watching AJ trying to wrap the huge Crash in rope. For one thing, as AJ had pointed out, the rope was only so long. There were so many joins with ragged rope ends sticking out that it looked like he was encased in barbed wire.
Plus, Crash couldn’t stay still if his life depended on it. He moved and twitched and contorted himself, trying to see what AJ was doing, until AJ had threatened to knock him out with a chair to keep him still.
That was the point when Crash had had enough. He’d begun twisting in earnest, working
his hands out of the double column tie that apparently hadn’t been done correctly to begin with. By the time AJ had finished splicing the last rope together, everything had gone tumbling to the floor.
“Go get a moon pie.” Sami nudged Crash out of the way and began winding the rope the way Phoenix had taught them at the beginning of class. “The first thing to know is how to take care of your rope, and keep it from getting tangled,” he’d said. There had been something really intriguing about it to Sami, although she’d never had the urge to learn knots or anything before. Maybe it was how artistic the ropework looked when Phoenix had shown them that rope dress at the beginning of class. She thought it might be fun to wear one, then was shocked at herself for daydreaming about being naked in public.
“Your turn,” she said to AJ. “I’ll do you.”
There was the sound of a chair being knocked to the ground, and before AJ’s mouth had even had time to finish dropping open, Crash was back, a huge smile on his face, his snack apparently forgotten. “You’re going to—”
“Don’t say it,” AJ warned him with a menacing frown.
Sami looked from one to the other and rolled her eyes. “Boys!” she said, but she hid a smile as she and AJ rewrapped the rope.
She’d seriously considered packing up and leaving this morning. Partly because she’d felt like a complete and utter idiot after last night’s scenes—hers and Allie’s. She’d succumbed to a panic attack—over nothing, really. It wasn’t like anyone had been hitting her, or even hitting Allie. For some reason she’d just gone off, all because she couldn’t control her emotions. When she woke up, way before the alarm went off, she’d had a long debate with herself whether it would be more embarrassing to show her face in the group or run away with her tail between her legs.
It was AJ knocking softly on her door at six a.m., whispering, “Buffy? Are you awake?” that tipped the balance. The Buffy she’d been once would never have freaked out like that. How had she turned into such a wimp? It was obvious what she had to do. She’d opened the door and gone out with AJ and Crash, looking for a source of snacks for the day.