Writes of Submission Read online

Page 11

  Once they were securely fastened together and the pillows returned to their original position, Kane said, “All righty, boys and girls. We are ready for the real fun to begin. Are you willing to do what I tell you?”

  “Fuck, yeah.” Dante hunched his hips again enthusiastically.

  Kane eyed him. “Is that how you are to answer me?”

  “Oh, shit. Sorry, bro. I mean, Sir.”

  “That’s better.”

  Kane transferred his gaze to Nikki and waited.

  “Yes, Sir.” There was no hesitation this time.

  “Excellent. Thank you, beautiful.”

  Kane withdrew a fur mitt from the bag on the floor and slipped it onto his right hand. With slow and deliberate strokes he began running the mitt across the skin of her inner thighs. Up and down her leg his hand traveled, each time drawing nearer to the combined hands covering her pussy. Her breath caught each time his hand rose, with an increasing shudder each time she released it. Stopping, he leaned forward and again brought his mouth right to the edge of hers and spoke the words directly into her. “You like this, don’t you, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered back.

  “You want more, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then stroke yourself for me. Make yourself come for me, baby.” He closed the remaining distance and kissed her with a heat that left him nearly breathless.

  Pulling away from her, he directed Dante, “Be a gentleman and help the lady out. I bound you so your hands overlay hers. Help her use them to make herself come for us both. Don’t neglect her neck either. I have a hunch she’ll like it bitten when she gets wound up.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Kane returned to stroking her inner thigh with the mitt, watching her reaction and the movements of the combined hands on her body. He had intentionally positioned her own hands against her body to minimize any issues about being touched in intimate areas. That was why he had left her underwear on as well. He only hoped they wouldn’t be in the way and prevent her release. Leaning in, he continued to explore her mouth with his tongue as he felt her body rocking with the ministrations of both her and Dante.

  Leaning back, he saw they were kneading her breast with their fingers intertwined so they both had bare flesh under their fingertips. He watched for a few minutes, taking off the fur mitt and running his fingernails along her thigh and savoring the feel of her smooth skin and the beautiful sight of her relaxing into their scene. He nodded his approval at the way Dante was kissing and gently biting her neck and the obvious enjoyment she was getting from it, then shifted their arms down just a bit to free the other nipple, which was rigid and standing up as if begging for attention. He continued stroking from knee to pussy as he bent his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Her sudden intake of breath told him he had timed it right, and as he gently began to scrape his teeth across it her body contracted into a powerful spasm. She thrashed as much as their bound position would allow. Her gasps of release were music to his ears. Without letting up his assault on her tit he added his hand to the two already furiously working her clit, prolonging her orgasm.

  Without warning he heard the sudden cry of Dante’s release. He pulled back, realizing that Nikki’s movements had stroked Dante’s cock enough to get him off as well.

  He stood back upright and watched as the two slowed their movements and tried to catch their breath. He stepped over to the nightstand and retrieved two small washcloths, placing them on the side of the bed. Then slowly he untied the pair without disturbing their recovery any more than having them lean forward enough to get the ropes out from behind. Once they were free, he handed each one a washcloth to clean up with.

  As he tucked his ropes back into the duffle, he heard Dante’s embarrassed voice apologizing to Nikki for coming all over her back and ass.

  “It’s okay. I kind of liked the way it felt,” Nikki mumbled sleepily.

  Kane smiled. “Get some rest. I have writing to do. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  As soon as he shut the door to her room, he hurried to his own. He tossed the bag to the floor and ripped his own clothes off. He had never been so horny in his life as he had been helping Dante and Nikki stroke her off just now. Gripping his own rigid cock in his fist, he began pounding it with a frantic pace. His hand flew up and down his shaft in a blur of motion until he exploded with his own desperate release. Thick ropes of white creamy cum splattered his stomach and across his fingers. The juices added to the feeling and he continued to stroke his softening dick until he had milked every drop he could from it. Sighing in relief, he sank back onto the covers of his bed and drifted into a short, satisfied nap.

  Chapter 13

  Nikki woke up with the feeling that she hadn’t slept so well in years. Decades, maybe. Perhaps this threesome thing could be somehow workable after all, she thought. She looked around to see if either of the guys had slept over.

  She wasn’t surprised to see that they hadn’t. She vaguely remembered Kane saying he was going to go and do his writing. No doubt Dante had gotten up hours ago to do his own thing, whatever that was.

  Her sense of peaceful satisfaction began to wane a little. What kind of pathetic little old lady had she looked like, dropping off to sleep so early? In all fairness, it had been a long time since she’d had the opportunity to sleep held by a blond god, so who could blame her? She twisted and looked at her clock, then gasped and jumped out of bed. It was after nine. She’d slept for—what? Twelve hours or more?

  The dining room was deserted, of course. Dante would have eaten at eight and was probably gathering equipment to torture them with this afternoon. Kane wouldn’t be up for at least an hour. Maybe she should take a book out to the porch and relax for a little while. She knew she should be working, but just felt too content to worry about it. She was a little sore from yesterday’s yoga.

  She poured herself some coffee from the carafe on the table and grabbed a couple of the muffins that were sitting out, then wandered out the front door to the porch.

  It was a beautiful day. The air was chilly but the sunlight was strong. Nikki sat in the porch swing and leaned her head back, closing her eyes and enjoying the feel of the sun on her skin, her thoughts drifting back to the previous evening.

  Surprisingly, she didn’t feel embarrassed about what she’d done. A smile played on her lips as she remembered the feel of Dante’s body against her back, his arms firmly encircling her, his fingers on hers, then slipping between them to bring her to an orgasm. She hadn’t had an orgasm in a while with anyone else present, and she couldn’t remember when she’d had such a strong one.

  But the most unexpected thing had been Kane. She’d assumed he was nothing more than a hard-drinking, hard-playing writer, someone who used people for the way they could benefit his writing, but didn’t give anything back.

  She was so wrong. When he’d spoken to her using that deep, compelling tone, she’d melted into his voice. She would have done anything for him then. He might not have been honest when he’d called her beautiful, but he’d certainly made her feel like it. It had seemed like they’d all enjoyed themselves—or else Kane was a hell of an actor, along with everything else. She began imagining all of the other things they could do together. She had felt so submissive with him last night. Every fiber of her being had yearned to obey him, to make him aware of how much she wanted to please him. His touch had lit her skin on fire and his mouth had claimed hers and there had seemed to be perfect harmony flowing between the three of them, as if they were meant to be together.

  But were they? That was impossible. Kane might be willing to play with her, but he couldn’t possibly be interested in anything more involved or personal. He wanted her to understand BDSM so that she could write about it, but surely that was as far as he was willing to go. Still, last night had shown her how much she wanted to learn about it. Being bound and commanded had excited her more than she would have thought possible.

considered Dante. He had to be just playing. He was intrigued by the idea and wanted to experience it for himself. She’d tried to show him that it was okay if he didn’t want to play with her, but was it okay if he did? Knowing that he probably had girls lining up for his attention wherever it was he came from? Could she have a fling and then let him go without any regrets when this project was over?

  Maybe she could. In the bright, warm light of day, Nikki thought about the two guys she’d played with and realized that she really, really wanted to play with them again. They’d made her feel beautiful, connected, and, in some odd way, strong. It took strength to allow herself to become so vulnerable, she suddenly understood. She’d shown them and herself that she could handle this. Now she wanted to show them that she wanted more.

  A car roared up the driveway and Nikki opened her eyes, realizing she’d neglected her coffee and muffins. She took a bite and watched as Dante pulled up and he and Allie jumped out.

  Dante held a large bag in his hand and he waved it at her as they came up to join her.

  “We’ve got the coolest outfit for you to wear!” Dante seemed to be vibrating with excitement. He opened the bag and began displaying things that couldn’t possibly be actual clothes.

  Nikki sat up and stared at him. There was a long, see-through, lacy dress kind of thing and what looked like a short black slip.

  “You can wear these to the club tonight,” Dante told her, holding the lace thing up to himself. “It’ll be really hot. I think Kane has his leathers with him, and we bought some other stuff for me to wear.”

  “What shoe size are you?” Allie asked, looking down at Nikki’s sneakers as if they were lowering her property value.

  Nikki resisted the urge to tuck them under the porch swing. “Seven.”

  Allie’s worried look disappeared. “Perfect. You can borrow some of mine. I assume you didn’t bring high heels?”

  “High heels?” Nikki repeated. “Why do I have to wear those?”

  “You don’t have to,” Allie amended. “If you’d rather you can just go barefoot at the club. Lots of subs like to do that.”

  “Barefoot? Subs?” Nikki gaped at her. “I’m not—”

  The expression on both of the faces in front of her made her stop. Of course she was a sub. How else could she explain the strange reaction she had to Kane’s voice when he went into his Dom mode? What did she call being tied to Dante last night?

  At the memory of last night, Nikki felt her face going hot. She suddenly couldn’t meet Dante’s eyes. Taking the slip-thing from Allie, she looked inside it to check the size and mask her confusion. “Will this fit me?”

  “I think so,” Allie said. “I estimated that you were about my size. I hope you don’t find that offensive.”

  “Of course not. You’re gorgeous.” It did seem to be about right. Nikki didn’t say that she would have expected Allie to be at least two sizes smaller than her. The material was stretchy anyway, so they had probably relied on that.

  “Do you want to try them on?” Allie led the way inside. Nikki felt Dante’s hand on her lower back as they walked and couldn’t repress a little jerk of surprise.

  “Are you okay?” His voice was soft and intimate in her ear. She found that she was leaning back into him a little before she could stop herself.

  “Oh. Sorry. Yes, I’m fine.” Forcing herself upright, she walked briskly into the house.

  Dante’s voice followed her, a baffled question. “Nikki?”

  “It’s okay.” She flashed a bright smile back at him, trying to make him understand that he didn’t have to pretend that what had happened was going to obligate him to her in any way.

  Kane was standing in the hallway munching on a muffin as they came through the door. He held out a stack of papers to her and Nikki took them, unable to keep herself from reading today’s T-shirt. It said, disconcertingly, “Do one thing every day that scares you —Eleanor Roosevelt.” Shuddering at what that could mean with him, she dragged her eyes back to his writing. Kane looked at the items of clothing that Dante held up to show him.

  “Nikki is going to try these on and see how they look,” Dante said. “I’d like to get some pics of the two of you leaving Clifftop, but I’d also like to get some of you both in the barn beforehand. You know, standing in front of equipment or something. We’ll pretend it’s the club. I’ll put them out tomorrow. How does that sound?”

  Nikki watched Kane nervously to see what his attitude was going to be in the cold light of day after their hot scene. Was he regretting those passionate kisses?

  Kane held the slip against Nikki’s body and squinted at it. “Great. Maybe…” He suddenly tossed it back to Dante and reached around Nikki’s head, grabbing a fistful of hair and pulling her toward him.

  Nikki opened her mouth in surprise to ask him what the hell he thought he was doing. But before she could speak, all of her conscious thoughts dissolved into a wordless sigh and her eyes closed automatically.

  His fist tightened and Nikki gasped as her eyes flew open. Kane’s face was only an inch from hers and he was smiling, a strange glitter in his eyes. He held it for a moment, then released his grip.

  A flood of endorphins washed through her system and she slumped a little toward him. His other hand came up to steady her until she came completely back to herself.

  “Did you like that?” His voice was low again, as if it was meant only for her to hear.

  “Um, I—” Her brain battled furiously with itself, torn between admitting that yes, it had sent her straight into what he might have described as a “submissive zone,” and slapping him in the face, demanding why he thought he could just grab her like a freakin’ caveman.

  But then he kissed her. It wasn’t a long kiss, but his lips were soft and warm and the part of her that wanted to slap him went slinking off to reconsider her position on women’s rights.

  She still wasn’t sure how she felt about this whole dominance thing. It was one thing to read about it in books, but when it was standing in front of her, yanking her around by her hair and talking to her in a voice that made her melt into a little puddle at its feet—well, that was something completely different. She’d drooled over it in books but now she had the opportunity to experience it for herself. Really experience it, in person. In the flesh. In her flesh.

  “Maybe?” Dante’s voice cut in to their intimate little scene. He sounded vaguely irritated and that fact caused Nikki a jolt of apprehension. Could he possibly be jealous? Was she going to have to choose which one of them she wanted to play with?

  That was just silly. They were supposed to be learning about ménages. That meant that neither one should get jealous if she kissed the other one. Not that she really expected there to be much kissing. Or she hadn’t, anyway.

  Kane stepped away from her slightly, steadying her with a hand as he did. “I was going to say that we could do some bondage over the silky under-thing. I wouldn’t put rope on top of that lace, but we could get some nice decorative ropework going on the silk, and it wouldn’t be too risqué for pictures.”

  “Good idea.” Dante clapped him on the shoulder. “I knew you’d be a natural at this. Come on, Nikki. We’ve got some time before lunch to experiment. Might as well get those pictures out of the way. Don’t forget, Kane. I need a new blog post from you today. It should be about how you’re dying to go check out the kink club in Grandpointe and how much you’re learning here at Clifftop.”

  “I sent it to you before I came down,” Kane said.

  “Fantastic.” Dante pulled out his phone and checked it. “Got it. You’re a rock star.”

  “Of course I am,” Kane agreed. He turned to Nikki. “What are you waiting for? Let’s get you out of those clothes and into your new outfit.”

  “What? Here?” Nikki looked around, half expecting to see reporters with cameras hiding behind the furniture.

  “Yes, here. Why not?” He was looking at her appraisingly. Dante took a step back as if to give her s
pace, but grinned.

  Allie squeezed her shoulders as she walked past. “I’ll be in the kitchen getting lunch ready. Yell if you need anything. But I think you’ll be just fine.”

  Nikki stood for a moment, considering. She’d been nearly naked in front of both of them last night. Nudity was encouraged and approved here. Nobody would bat an eye if they came into the house and found her standing there naked. Both of the guys were watching her, apparently waiting to see how she was going to react to Kane’s question.

  No, his order. He took a step closer, sliding a finger under the neckline of her T-shirt and pulling it ever so slightly out. His eyebrows raised and his lips curled into a smile, the wicked one that made her legs turn to jelly and her pussy clench.


  That one word made her decision. Nikki silently raised the shirt over her head and tossed it to the side. Then she slid out of her jeans and stood in front of him—in front of both of them—in just bra and panties, waiting to see what Kane’s next direction would be.

  He tilted his head, blinking. “I think the bra should come off, too. Don’t you agree, Dante?”

  Dante joined him, a huge grin splitting his face. He nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, yeah. It would really make the outfit.”

  Glad she’d put on her best pair of lace panties, Nikki reached behind her back and unsnapped the bra. Then she slid the straps down over her arms, clinching them tightly so the cups wouldn’t come off too quickly.